
Essay I wrote in my general paper class about poetry

  9 Evaluate whether poets have any role to play in society.    laying on a bed after a long excruciating day thinking there may be no hope left in the world, are we destined to live in a cycle of consumption and greed forever working for the powerful and hungry a recipe for hate gnawing at the very confines of society. Putting on your favorite CD and listening to the artist pour out their heart through your bedroom speakers a decision is made to live life for yourself and change the very way you think. Many may argue that poetry is a mundane and irrelevant form of art this is wrong however because music is a form of poetry, poetry can change how someone may feel and, poetry can be used to strengthen many art forms.   Firstly, music is a form of poetry, many people love and live music and many artists are spilling their hearts out into their lyrics to convey a message. Many lyricists write about personal issues and usually that starts by writing words on paper. Many of these words on p

desired or dreaded

 The second you see me you beg to leave is the sight of me too much to bear. The thought of me a weight on your mind enough to squash your brain. Devoid it of all forms of being polite. No relent for your need to leave and forget it all. Yet you cant escape the ties are too tight every year we will meet whether its desired or dreaded. You get sick at the sight of me and I get blank at your image. Will it ever be the same or are the things we shared only due to forced friendliness and ease of access. 

Hot, Wet, and Sufferable

  Hot, Wet, and Sufferable hot, wet, and sufferable, is that what we are destined to be? You shot me through the lungs so i could depend on yours. No matter the apologies you got what you needed and I needed when I got. I breathe through you just for you to infect my tract and blame it on me. Will you do better, can you do better? Is this just who you are, who you were raised to be. I thought you were better than this but you stabbed me with a dull knife just because you knew it would hurt more. Your blows are low but I can blow even lower. The line were your legs meet my face were your favorite and you know I will never be back. I fill your void in a way you will never replicate. I left you standing there craving something you knew you polluted. You are my smoke, I love the smell of you, your feeling as you fill my lungs but the damage will never be worth the high yet I continue to burn my eyes and lungs and breathe in your secondhand smoke not caring who may have concerns as your mor

Lighting Shit on Fire is Fun But I'm Nothing Without You (Fireworks)

  Lighting Shit on Fire is Fun But I'm Nothing Without You (Fireworks) The fireworks always remind me of you. No matter what I have to distract me, you always come to mind. I could make my self deaf from the noise but you appear in the ringing, there to remind me that I will never see you again. Did what we have matter or will that disappear like the smoke in the sky, our smoke will cause harm to me just like the real one. Every New Years and July will forever be yours no matter where my mind drifts it will always lead back to you.

Something About That Summer Void

  Something About That Summer Void Long wet summers filled by the void of you. what am I without you the effect of years spent together never acknowledging what we were. My first and worst. Countless emotions to describe your not who you used to be, talent is gone left by the sound hot wet and sufferable, the best I can do is leave just to do the same elsewhere. The seasons never change some things we (don't) have in common a new one every month. who am I, what have I become, is this me or a facade.  without you I'm not me, without you I cant breathe, but when i am with you I suffer my actions predetermined by you. the summers are long and in-escapable sitting with myself, missing your void your black hole. would i be better off with-(out) you or am I the man I am today thanks to you, parts of us missing only the other can fill.

long nights

  long nights long nights filled with the absence of you are what I long for. the feeling of being able to do what I want, be who I need, and be young (not) living my best life. the sunsets are more intricate without you here able to focus on my own thoughts rather that yours (about me) I can't live like this forever if 'I spend too much time in my mind I will find I have lost it' hoping for you to be there. Endless nights spent trying to be silent while the others sleep yet not caring who hears the sounds you make.  P.s To be honest I'm talking about my boom box in part of this

Sunrises in Niantic

Sunrises in Niantic I'm going to wake up at 5:00 Am to watch the sunrise sometimes I wish I had someone to watch it with me a friend or more but maybe its best if this becomes a personal experience something positive to remember myself by for when I inevitably change every day I remanence whether it be a time before I saw something to relive a moment or to experience something I was never alive for this experience can just be another file in my mind that I can possibly share with someone new or something simple and nice that I will never remember sitting on a balcony wishing I  was with someone other than the spiders between the spokes finally feeling something real in this never ending cycle of self pity and boredom even a true friend in-between the lines of a friend and something more will fill my void why do I crave the attention and love of people if my personality will always drive them away why do I have to change myself to feel something real.     Originally posted July 9th