Essay I wrote in my general paper class about poetry

 9 Evaluate whether poets have any role to play in society.  

laying on a bed after a long excruciating day thinking there may be no hope left in the world, are we destined to live in a cycle of consumption and greed forever working for the powerful and hungry a recipe for hate gnawing at the very confines of society. Putting on your favorite CD and listening to the artist pour out their heart through your bedroom speakers a decision is made to live life for yourself and change the very way you think. Many may argue that poetry is a mundane and irrelevant form of art this is wrong however because music is a form of poetry, poetry can change how someone may feel and, poetry can be used to strengthen many art forms. 

Firstly, music is a form of poetry, many people love and live music and many artists are spilling their hearts out into their lyrics to convey a message. Many lyricists write about personal issues and usually that starts by writing words on paper. Many of these words on paper form poetry and can help to share a message with a wide range of people. Music is engrained within society we have it blasting in malls and supermarkets, Radio stations and tangible copies, all of these forms can shape and change people mostly through the poetic lyrics that may resonate with them and shape or save their lives. 

Second, Poetry can change how someone may feel. A person may be in a low spot and find a poetic message that can give them a new out look on life or do the opposite. Poetry is a very powerful form of art and can shape a persons life. Weather it be in music, posters on a wall, or in a book poetry is all around and can strike the deepest thoughts within our mind and can both enlighten or dull who we may become. A person may enlist themselves to a lifetime of reaching the people through a verbal message or live just to find a purpose all because of what a line may have told them. 

Third, poetry can be used to strengthen many art forms. Weather in movies, music, drawings, paintings, or books poetry is found in most art forms. A movie is more memorable when it coveys a message mostly done through the writing or the script. Poetry does not need to be formulated through fancy language but through how it may effect. Many movies in themselves are poetic or maybe there is a line of poetry sewn in the script or spoken near the end, this makes it all the more memorable and strengthens the culture surrounding us and who we can become. 

Skeptics of poetry having a important role in society, may claim that poetry is hard to understand a therefore boring they are wrong however because poetry can come in many forms, while classic poetry may use confusing language and time signatures the more understandable poetry is all around. Music, movies, books, and other art forms may share a poetic message in a way that uses easer to understand language yet hits all the same spots within ourselves or possibly even more because of the way a poet may carry themselves to be more relatable creating more of a connection.  

Finally, poetry has a important role in society as most music is a form of poetry and music shapes many lives, poetry can change how a person feels about life and shape who they are, and poetry can strengthen many art forms and help it truly reach people. 



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